Caitlyn took her first steps on Sunday. She will take 4-5 steps before she makes a dive for her target. I think with a little practice and some more confidence she will be going in no time!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Caitlyn's First Steps
Caitlyn took her first steps on Sunday. She will take 4-5 steps before she makes a dive for her target. I think with a little practice and some more confidence she will be going in no time!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Addyson and Caitlyn homecoming day!
Well, it's time for another trip down memory lane because today is Addyson and Caitlyn day! February 20, 2008 is the day that we officially became a family of five. We finally had all of our babies home! Brooklyn had been with Brian and me for exactly a week and then Addyson and Caitlyn were released from the NICU. So we packed up all of our things and finally said goodbye to Houston. It was hard to say goodbye to all the nurses and doctors who had taken such good care of our babies. I cannot say enough good things about Woman's Hospital! I will never forget this day. It almost felt surreal because I had been waiting for it to come for so long. I think it really hit us that we now had three tiny beings that we were responsible for. When we got home we lined the girls up in their carseats and just stared at them for the longest time. But then it was time to hit the ground running! It didn't take long to get into a routine. Every three hours we would give the girls reflux medicine before they ate, change diapers, make bottles, and feed them. Usually by the time you got done there was only an hour or so before you had to do it all over! I can't say that I miss those days! A year later, I continue to count my blessings and praise God for three healthy girls. Addyson and Caitlyn we love you so much!

Addyson's discharge weight: 5 lbs, 8 oz.
Poor thing had as much hair then as she does now!

Addyson came home on oxygen and stayed on it for about six weeks. The little stinker never kept the canula in her nose. No matter how much you taped it she would always pull it out!

Caitlyn's discharge weight: 6 lbs, 1 oz.

Bye Bye NICU!

We made it!
Home sweet home!
My sweet girls today:

Addyson's discharge weight: 5 lbs, 8 oz.
Poor thing had as much hair then as she does now!

Addyson came home on oxygen and stayed on it for about six weeks. The little stinker never kept the canula in her nose. No matter how much you taped it she would always pull it out!

Caitlyn's discharge weight: 6 lbs, 1 oz.

Bye Bye NICU!

We made it!

Home sweet home!
My sweet girls today:

I did it!
Today was a big accomplishment for me. Brian is at the ranch so it is a "girls' weekend." Tomorrow is supposed to be cool and rainy so I knew we better take advantage of the nice weather this afternoon and get out of the house. So I loaded up the girls and we headed to Target. We have been to Target many times, but today was different because I took them ALL BY MYSELF. The girls are fourteen months old and today is the first time I have taken them anywhere without another set of hands to help me! Logistically, it is difficult for me to take them very many places on my own and I guess a part of me worried what I would do if they all had a break down on me. After all, there is three of them and only one of me! But our shopping trip was a total success. The girls couldn't have been better. I am so proud of them (and me too!)
These wonderful baskets make it so much easier for us multiple moms! Thank you Target!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Brooklyn homecoming day!
Today is a special day because exactly one year ago we brought our beautiful baby Brooklyn home. The first to do pretty much everything, she was the first to finally bust out of the NICU after eight and half weeks. Brian and I were so excited to have one of our babies in our possession. We finally felt like parents! When your babies are in the NICU, you don't really feel like parents. You know they are your babies and you love them with all your heart but they don't truly feel like yours. There is someone else holding them, and changing them, and bathing them when you aren't there. So it was so wonderful to have Brooklyn with us every moment of every day. I think she really enjoyed being an only child but little did she know what was coming! We enjoyed having Brooklyn with us while at the same time still visiting Addyson and Caitlyn in the NICU, waiting for them to tell us when they would get to come home. It was nice to slowly get broken in to parenthood and get into a routine before we had all three. Here are a few things that have changed in a year:
Brooklyn's discharge weight: 5 lbs, 5 oz.
Brooklyn's weight today: around 22 lbs.
Brooklyn's discharge height: 18.5 inches
Brooklyn's height today: 30.5 inches
Brooklyn then:

Dressed so cute ready to go home

We only had to go across the street to the apartment where we were staying but I was so nervous the whole time. I kept checking to make sure she was breathing. She was fine!

This is the life!

What sisters?
Brooklyn today:

Always happy!

Doesn't quite fit the same

I pulled out all the girls' coming home outfits. I was going to just lay it on top of her and take her picture but she would not stay still. So we tried it on instead. I really didn't think it would go on. Brian said it was cruel and unusual punishment but I think she kind of liked it! She started running all over the house. We love you Brooklyn and we are so blessed to have you in our family!
Brooklyn's discharge weight: 5 lbs, 5 oz.
Brooklyn's weight today: around 22 lbs.
Brooklyn's discharge height: 18.5 inches
Brooklyn's height today: 30.5 inches
Brooklyn then:
Dressed so cute ready to go home
We only had to go across the street to the apartment where we were staying but I was so nervous the whole time. I kept checking to make sure she was breathing. She was fine!
This is the life!
What sisters?
Brooklyn today:

Always happy!
Doesn't quite fit the same
I pulled out all the girls' coming home outfits. I was going to just lay it on top of her and take her picture but she would not stay still. So we tried it on instead. I really didn't think it would go on. Brian said it was cruel and unusual punishment but I think she kind of liked it! She started running all over the house. We love you Brooklyn and we are so blessed to have you in our family!
One of those days
Yesterday was one of those days and today is starting out the same way. Yesterday started out with a call from my sitter saying that she thought she had the flu and wouldn't make it. Normally, not such a big deal but I had plans to meet some of the girls I used to work with for lunch so I had to cancel. Yesterday afternoon we were supposed to have a new couch and loveseat delivered. Brian and I bought each other new furniture for Valentine's Day....Yes, I know very romantic :) So, they delivered the furniture and it turned out they had the wrong couch. They were nice enough to let me keep this one until they can switch it out, but it is not MY couch! After I put the girls down to nap, I spent most of their naptime on the phone with Citibank trying to find out why my debit card has been declined the past two times I tried to use it and why their is a new "monthly account fee" on our account that has never been there before. They informed me that nothing was wrong with the card, there wasn't any kind of hold on my account, and the card should work fine. The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful but then Caitlyn was up all nite running a high fever. So this morning we were off to the doctor. I was so thankful they had an opening for us to come in first thing! I go to pay our copay and once again my debit card is declined. I only have $20 in cash to pay my $30 copay. Pleading with the receptionist, I ask if I can please run the money back up later. She agrees. We find out that Caitlyn has a double ear infection. This is our third round of ear infections in the past three months! Needless to say I am quite exhausted but staying positive. I am so ready for flu season to be over! It feels like there are germs everywhere and we just can't shake them! I pray that Addyson and Brooklyn don't have ear infections but we have never had one get one and not the others. These are a few pics of the girls that I took this morning of them playing. I am looking forward to a nice quiet afternoon.....Fingers crossed!

Brooklyn riding the school bus

Little Addyson, always laughing!

Closer and closer to walking everyday

Caitlyn smiling even though she feels yucky

Brooklyn multitasking...
walking and reading at the same time!

How could you ever really have a bad day with these smiling faces?

Giving their approval on the new loveseat..the right one!
update: We now have a whole house full of sick girls, including myself. Caitlyn seems to be a little better today but Addyson, Brooklyn, and I all have some kind of stomach bug! My dear husband stayed home today so I could rest and has been taking care of the girls. I am hoping that we all get better SOON!
Brooklyn riding the school bus
Little Addyson, always laughing!
Closer and closer to walking everyday
Caitlyn smiling even though she feels yucky
Brooklyn multitasking...
walking and reading at the same time!
How could you ever really have a bad day with these smiling faces?
Giving their approval on the new loveseat..the right one!
update: We now have a whole house full of sick girls, including myself. Caitlyn seems to be a little better today but Addyson, Brooklyn, and I all have some kind of stomach bug! My dear husband stayed home today so I could rest and has been taking care of the girls. I am hoping that we all get better SOON!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Wagon Ride for Tuesday

I found out about Tuesday from another triplet mom's blog. Tuesday is an amazing, precious little girl who just lost her fight with cancer. It breaks my heart to hear her story. It makes me realize once again how truly blessed we are to have three beautiful healthy girls. Life can change so quickly, so always make sure that you appreciate every moment with those you love.
I had not checked her blog in a few days, but I got on tonite and saw that they were having "wagie rides" today to celebrate Tuesday's life. Fellow bloggers were also encouraged to take their kiddos on a wagon ride in honor of Tuesday. Not knowing anything about this, it just so happened that Dodie and I took the girls on a wagon ride this afternoon. We used Dodie's wagon and I couldn't believe that the girls all fit! Anyways, it just made me happy to think that in a way we did something to remember such a special girl whose life was cut so short.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
On the mend and overdue
Yes, I realize it has been way too long since my last post. Probably a record for me. So rather than watch the Superbowl, I am going to blog. Last Saturday Brooklyn starting running a fever. Then Sunday, she got an all out stomach bug. She was sick all week. You can't comprehend the love for your child until you are covered in their throw up! I don't know how the other two haven't gotten it, but I pray that they don't. I spent all week trying to take care of Brooklyn while trying to keep her apart from her sisters as much as possible so she wouldn't share her germs. I felt so bad for her. We had a trip planned to Fort Worth this weekend and I didn't think we would be able to go, but Friday morning Brooklyn seemed to be doing better so we took a chance and loaded the girls in the car. They did great! They got to spend time with their cousin Jackson who turned one year old on Friday. Happy B-day Jack! The girls had a great time playing with him on Friday and then going to his birthday party on Saturday.

The girls wondering why Jackson has a cracker and they don't. I love this pic!

That's more like it!

Brooklyn getting chased by Jackson and Caitlyn

Jackson and Caitlyn

Sharing so well!

Birthday Boy

Bye Bye! See you next time!

Nite out with no babies - me, Kelly, and Leah

The boys - Matt, Marshall, and Brian
We also took the girls down to the stockyards since the rodeo was going on. We wanted to go to the petting zoo but the line was insane. So we just walked around the children's barn. They liked seeing all the different animals.

Addyson trying to get the goat

Brooklyn and Caitlyn

P.S. Brooklyn is walking everywhere! She is so cute walking with her arms out to keep her balance. We are still trying to coerce Caitlyn into taking a step. She will stand on her own for 20-30 seconds and you can tell she is really thinking about it. Then she will just lunge at you! It is pretty funny but I don't think it will be long before she will be brave enough to go for it. I will try and get some video of Brooklyn walking.

The girls wondering why Jackson has a cracker and they don't. I love this pic!

That's more like it!

Brooklyn getting chased by Jackson and Caitlyn

Jackson and Caitlyn

Sharing so well!

Birthday Boy

Bye Bye! See you next time!

Nite out with no babies - me, Kelly, and Leah

The boys - Matt, Marshall, and Brian
We also took the girls down to the stockyards since the rodeo was going on. We wanted to go to the petting zoo but the line was insane. So we just walked around the children's barn. They liked seeing all the different animals.

Addyson trying to get the goat

Brooklyn and Caitlyn

P.S. Brooklyn is walking everywhere! She is so cute walking with her arms out to keep her balance. We are still trying to coerce Caitlyn into taking a step. She will stand on her own for 20-30 seconds and you can tell she is really thinking about it. Then she will just lunge at you! It is pretty funny but I don't think it will be long before she will be brave enough to go for it. I will try and get some video of Brooklyn walking.
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