Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three one and a half year olds

I am a little late on this post but as of the 17th, the girls are 18 months old! My three little girls are no longer babies! They are full-fledged toddlers now. They are asserting their independence more and more everyday and they are out to explore the world, curious about anything and everything! When they were younger, being a mom of multiples was much more physically challenging.....how am I going to carry three babies, how am I going to feed three babies, etc. Now that they are older it is much more mentally challenging. The girls want more freedom now and I am having to set boundaries and start disciplining as much as you can at this age. Three toddlers running around is quite crazy and overwhelming at times, but it is also a wonderful age and I love watching them absorb all that is around them. They are learning so fast and you can really see their different personalities show now. I can also see their strong sisterly bond developing and I pray that they will always be the best of friends growing up.

The girls are all getting their molars right now and with that has come lots of BITING! It is not fun! Poor Addyson seems to get most of the frustration from her sisters taken out on her. Brooklyn and Caitlyn take turns going through the "biting phase" and it can get ugly. I too have been on the receiving end many times! Needless to say, they have had their pacis more than I would like during the day, but if it keeps the peace that's okay.

There are rough moments, but the girls are really starting to interact with eachother and it is so neat to watch. The girls know who is who and Brooklyn will point to Addyson and say "Addy." The girls will hug and kiss each other and it is so sweet. I have tried to get a picture of it but I can never time my camera just right to catch it. We are also working on blowing kisses and they are getting pretty good at it. The girls love to dance and sing songs. If they are fussy, you can always sing to them and get a smile. They like when I do "Ring Around the Rosy" with them but they haven't quite figured out how to hold hands so we can all do it together. They love to run around the house chasing each other and they will just laugh and squeal the whole time.

Here are some of the things my girls are up to these days:
*You are walking, running, and climbing everywhere
*You love to push your doll strollers around the house and have races with them
*Your favorite foods are Saltines, cheese, and blueberries, but you will eat almost anything!
*You love watching Mickey Mouse Club and your favorite part is doing the hot dog dance when it is over
*You love to crawl through tunnels, play ball, play with your kitchen, cars, dolls and play in your sandbox
*Your favorite songs are "If your happy and you know it," "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
*Your favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar
*You know almost all of your body parts and can point them out to me
*You know exactly what sounds a cow and a sheep make but we are working on other animals
*You love to "help" with laundry and unloading the dishwasher
*You have really developed an attachment to your blankies and carry them around the house with you all day
*You have a fascination with the dogs, especially watching them eat. You have helped yourself to their dog food a few times!

I know this is a long post but I wanted to document this time because it goes by so fast and the girls are changing so much. I also wanted to do some individual posts for each of the girls.


Caitlyn has a huge heart. She has become my little helper and is very much a momma's girl. She has a great eye for detail and will constantly find the smallest things on the floor and bring them to me. I always praise her like she has brought me a treasure and her face just lights up. She follows directions the best and will always bring me a diaper, wipes, shoes, etc. when I ask her to. She is always taking toys and stuffed animals to her sisters. She knows that Addyson has her hippo and if is Addyson is upset she will find it and take it to her. She will bring them their sippy cups and is always looking out for them. Caitlyn wears her heart on her sleeve and can be somewhat emotional at times. Yes she is my little drama queen! But she is also the one who will cuddle up with you in your lap and will always give you a big kiss whenever you ask her for one. She loves to give kisses! Caitlyn is not too fond of water right now and would prefer to sit and watch her sisters swim or play in the sand. She loves her dolls and is quite the little mommy. She also loves animals and purses.






Brooklyn is very easy going and happy most of the time. If Brooklyn is not smiling, you know something is wrong. Whenever we are out, Brooklyn will always wave and say hi to everyone. But if you come too close, she will study you for a few minutes before she lets her guard down. Brooklyn loves to play with any and every type of ball and I predict that she will be my little athlete. She has recently discovered how to walk on her tippy toes and loves to twirl around in circles. This is her newest "dance move." Brooklyn is my little instigator and usually when the girls are in trouble, Brooklyn is right in the middle of it! She is always on the go and always exploring new things. She hates to sit still for diaper changes and getting dressed. Brooklyn loves the water and would stay in the pool for hours swimming and splashing. She is definitely my water baby! Brooklyn has become quite the little ham when I pull out the camera. She will give you a big cheesy smile and say Cheese!!!





Addyson is the most independent of the girls. We call her the "scholar" because she loves books and puzzles and will spend half an hour working on something until she figures it out and gets it just right. She reads all the time and loves to point at the pictures and tell you what it is.She is definitely the most advanced with her speech right now. She will try and repeat anything you say. Addyson also loves to sing. She will walk around the house just singing and singing. You might not understand the words she is saying but the melody will be spot on. Addyson puts up with alot and doesn't get upset very easily. But if she is unhappy, you will sure know it. Addyson is still the smallest of the girls and constantly gets called a boy (even when she is covered in pink) but she could not be more of a girlie girl. Her hair is growing fast and I cannot wait until the day I can put it in a ponytail. When I fix the other girls hair, she always comes up to me and points to her head and I have to tell her, "not yet, but soon." She has an obsession with shoes and loves to put on her shoes and get dressed. She will try and put on anybody's shoes that she finds laying around. Addyson is the first one to befriend someone new that comes into the house and it won't be long before she is your best buddy. She has the sweetest smile but hates for me to take her picture. That is why I don't have as many good ones of her. Little stinker!



Friday, June 26, 2009

Higher Ground

The girls have mastered the art of climbing. They love to climb up and sit on top of their activity table and now they have moved on to the couch in their playroom. They use their chair as leverage, then climb over the side and slide down the front. Today I watched them do this for quite a while, one after the other. It was pretty entertaining!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Brian!  The girls are so lucky to have you as a daddy and I am so lucky to have you with me on this journey called parenthood!  
Here are a few pics from our day today.   The girls got to spend time with daddy, Poppy, and Pee Wee. I wanted some good pics of the girls with Brian, but they were not having it!  Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eating with Forks

The girls are getting really good at eating with forks. They still have some trouble "stabbing" their food sometimes. These are some action shots I took last nite at dinner. Happy eating!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jones Reunion 2009

This weekend we headed to Lake Buchanan for a family reunion.  We stayed in cabins along the lake and the girls got to experience "the beach" for the first time.  They loved playing in the sand and getting extra dirty!  The lake was shallow so they could wade in and splash in the water.  It was great to visit with everyone and watch all the kiddos play together.  The girls were worn out from all the fun in the sun!    

Addyson and Brooklyn playing in the water

Addyson laughing while I splashed her with my feet

Brooklyn played in the water for over two hours! She is a fish!

Caitlyn went back and forth between the water and playing in the sand

Hard at work in the sand


Caitlyn and Brooklyn playing with Dodie

Attempt at a family photo....love my squinty eyes:)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My new favorite thing!

This contraption has made my life much easier.  Not since the Podee bottles have I found something I love so much.  I got these for the girls when they were about a year old but they had some trouble with them and they thought it was much more fun to pull back one of the flaps and poor out the snacks all over the floor.  Well about a month or so ago, I remembered I had them and brought them out to try again.  Now, I never leave the house without them.  If the girls are fussy in the car or if I want at least 20 minutes of peaceful shopping time, I just whip them out and they are happy as long as there is food in them.  Right now, animal crackers are usually the snack of choice.  I took the girls to the grocery store this morning (by myself....usually quite a fete) and gave them their snack cups and they lasted the whole time without any major breakdowns.  It was amazing!  Sorry no pics from our outing but I just wanted to give my two cents about the snack trap. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tag.....Your It!

The girls have a new game where they chase each other around in circles and laugh and scream hysterically. If I join in on the game and they have to chase me, it makes it even better!  Today I grabbed my camera as they were in hot pursuit.  It is so fun to watch them interact and play with each other now.  This is such a fun age and I am loving every minute of it!