I wanted to post some cute pics of the girls that I have been meaning to post and catch everyone up on the their latest tricks. The girls are SO busy these days and it seems like each day they learn something new.

Brooklyn took her first steps on Saturday and continues to take 5-6 steps before falling. She was just standing by the chair holding on and then all of a sudden she just took off. It is so cute to watch her because you can tell she is so proud of herself. She does much better when we are not motivating her and she does it on her own. Brooklyn loves to play pattycake, wave bye-bye, peek-a-boo, and give big open mouth sloppy kisses that I just love. Most of the time she is the instigator of the group. One of her favorite things to do right now is to pull out all of the books off the bookshelf and throw them all over the ground. She is very happy go lucky and seldom in a bad mood. Although, she has recently developed somewhat of an attitude and when I tell her no or take something away from her she throws a huge fit!

Addyson and Caitlyn have both begun to stand on their own for a few seconds and are getting better balanced. I'm sure they won't be far behind Brooklyn walking, but for now they are quite happy pushing their doll stroller or shopping cart and walking behind it. Addyson is the best at pattycake and has just recently started to "roll it up" and "throw it in the pan." She also loves to play peek-a-boo. She says both mama and dada and occasionally all the girls will say hi or bye-bye. Their main word is still dada. Addyson loves to push buttons and is so proud of herself when she pushes a button on her toys and makes something happen or play music. Addyson is the most demanding of the group and is not shy to voice her opinion. Sometimes it amazes me that something so loud can come out of a girl so small. She has the cutest little deep belly laugh and squints her eyes when she smiles.

Caitlyn is my little creative one. She loves to dance and will bust a move anytime music starts playing on one of their toys. Sometimes, she will dance on command. It is so cute. She also likes to sing and clap her hands. Caitlyn can be the most "needy" at times and likes to have extra mama time. She has the prettiest smile and has started to scrunch her nose up at you. Caitlyn loves to crawl over things. Even if there is a path a mile wide to get to something, she will find a way to crawl over something in order to get there. Brian will cross his legs out infront of him and she will just crawl back and forth over them. Caitlyn is the best eater and very rarely does a bite miss her mouth. The girls have all become great at feeding themselves and I am always trying to find new finger foods to feed them.
One of our biggest accomplishments is NO MORE BOTTLES! When we went for their one year check up the pediatrician said it was time to get rid of them and it was actually much easier than I thought it would be. There was a little resistance at first but now they are great about drinking milk out of their sippy cups.
The girls continue to amaze me everyday. They are growing so fast and have such wonderful, different, big personalities. They are really starting to interact with eachother. They will talk, laugh, pat eachother, and hold hands. They play great together and I can often leave them in their playroom while I go do things. When it gets quiet, I know they are up to something! We had to lock the pocket door to the bathroom from their playroom because they learned how to open it and started throwing their toys in the potty. But most of the time, when things get quiet they are either pulling out all of the wipes from the wipe container or disassembling the remote.