Happy 11 months to my three little divas! The countdown to the big day has begun! It is hard to believe that it is right around the corner. Since I am oh so bad about writing in the baby books, I thought I could at least write some stuff on the blog so I will have some kind of record of it. This is what the girls are up to at the moment.
Getting the girls to sit still long enough to snap this picture was quite a chore. They are never in one place for long. Brooklyn is getting closer and closer to walking. She loves to walk behind her push toys and is cruising the furniture. Addyson and Caitlyn long to see the world from two feet like their sister, but are still struggling with pulling up. They can easily get up on their knees but are still working on getting up to stand. But if you help them, boy do the love it. They love to stand at the couch, their music table, anything they can find and bang their hands on it like a drum. They really think they are big girls and love for you to tell them so.
Addyson and Brooklyn are waving bye-bye and we are all working on saying "mama." Everyone loves to say "dada," but mommy needs some love too :) The girls are really starting to enjoy books and love to pile on top of you as you try to read them a book. Some of their favorite foods right now are butternut squash, spaghetti, grilled cheese and pancakes. But they will eat anything you put in front of them! We are working on feeding ourselves and I can only imagine how "fun" dinner time will soon become.
My favorite time of the day is when I go get the girls out of their beds in the morning because as soon as they see Brian or me they get the biggest grins on their face. I think the girls are all pretty easy going and happy babies. I cannot say enough, how blessed I am. Brian and I are big fans of John and Kate plus 8 and I love at the beginning how they say, "It may be a crazy life, but it's our life." So so true, but I wouldn't want it any other way!